Secret to the San Fran cioppino classic – create your own seafood sensation!
This unique blend of herbs & spices is the foundation of the classic Cioppino.
Our Pacific Cioppino Spice Blend is a unique mix of herbs and spices that forms the perfect foundation for the classic Italian-American seafood stew, Cioppino. With a delicate balance of aromatic herbs and subtle curry flavors, this blend not only enhances traditional Cioppino but also complements a wide range of dishes.
Cioppino is a tomato-based seafood stew that was invented by the San Francisco Italian fishermen of North Beach, San Fransisco in the late 1800s using whatever seafood was left over from the day’s catch. Often times it was crab, shrimp, clams and fish, which were then combined with onions, garlic, and tomatoes and slow cooked with herbs and spices in olive oil and wine.
Originally it was made on the boats while out at sea and in Italian homes but as the Italian restaurants started sprouting up around the wharf, Cioppino moved into the restaurant and became a very popular dish.
The origin of the word “cioppino” is something of a mystery, and many historians believe that it is Italian-American for “chip in.” It is also believed that the name comes from a Genoese fish stew called cioppino. See our Cioppino recipe below.
This versatile spice blend can be used beyond Cioppino to elevate a variety of dishes:
Makes 4 portions
Fresh, local, and seasonal seafood will yield the best results. Consider the following:
Enjoy your homemade Cioppino with the bold, rich flavors of our Pacific Cioppino Spice Blend!
Ingredients: kosher salt, black pepper, cumin, curry spice, coriander, oregano, thyme, basil, red chilli, bay leaf
Ingrédients: sel, poivre noir, cumin, epice de curry, coriandre, origan, thym, basilic, piment rouge, feuille de laurier
Peppery, sweet, with Asian aromatics - sizzle up your seafood!....
These spices are amazing! I use them all the time, they are so versatile. Used as rubs and marinades to to enhance beef, pork, lamb, chicken and fish. Added to hotpots, stew, veg dishes, risotto, etc, they take food to the next level.
Think about the spice on the steak, the fries , the pan friend prawns if you like thoseeeee hit Sharon Hooton up. It will be so helpful and helpful to watch this spice business succeed :))) we love a good local business !!
I live in the UK and was lucky enough to be brought some of these spices by Sharon Hooton herself and they are incredible ! I only wish I lived a little closer then I could try the whole range WoodfireSpice.Ca we love your alder smoked sea salt and have been using it for years. It’s especially wonderful on oven roasted vegetables, and the perfect addition to avocado toast. Simple but perfect and essential!
Wood fire spices are blended so intuitively you can trust however you use them, it’s going to turn out delicious! Our whole family loves a wood fire spice inspired dinner time!
Alder smoked salt – this quickly became one of my all time favourites, it adds an amazing flavour to so many dishes, even if you are just frying up some mushrooms! Gaviola – with garlic and herb being one of my favourite flavours to mix, in the Gaviola it is already done for you and its done to perfection! Amazing for so many dishes and so easy to add into recipes Maple Sugar – for anyone with a sweet tooth this will blow you away. It takes sugar and improves it, it is amazing for so many desserts!
Your Spices are fab (we all know) but I add them to food when I can’t be bothered to make an effort. I like that a chef has let us chef too. Even like the empty tins as I use the high quality tins to store food. Also like the look on my kitchen shelf – it makes me look like I cook tasty food .. and I can … if I cheat … which I do…
WoodfireSpice.Ca is proud to be part of the Island Good Initiative. Island Good is trademarked and licensed by the Vancouver Island Economic Alliance, with a single mandate to help ensure a vital and sustainable Island economy. Island Good is all about making it easy for you to find the local products you want. It’s good for jobs, good for our economy, good for sustainability, good for us all.
250 739 3814
Po Box 344 Gabriola Island BC, V0R1X0